Amount of the financial transactions (in millions of euro)Hide subtree Company formations3541 1311511 1992231 290169266170127172880104
Company formationsContributions in cash1382076779121636711071557178947
Contributions in kind182764701 085721 206571468562857552
Amount to be paid up35160133529214510151015165
Hide subtree Capital increases2 5326 9093 7097 7281 3632 6336935 2424 0834691 4141 4621 550
Capital increasesContributions in cash4532 5035908275841 0163001 3212 026222480654575
Contributions in kind7161 7602 1306 5201881 3387778983280351180184
Amount to be paid up22937226134251533291719934518050
Conversions of equity579292529138554136140262613
Conversions of debts122481182187150521961 07154411922661303
Issue premiums4321 50025359153119831 00846944286360424
Hide subtree Capital reductions11 7808 4511 0723841 0468746498611 2622211 2684 4471 877
Capital reductionsRepayments to shareholders2 4085 980208125397456266363759711703 997214
Incorporation of lossesInformation on item1274283106120522061201068173128312
OtherInformation on item9 3601 7297811535303661763783971439263221 350
Number of companies (in units)Company formations2 3474 7683 4053 1693 3543 1942 7983 0642 9592 0233 0303 7442 678
Capital increases204720174147213166166289187102193169194
Capital reductions5152 3753203351 119348449879397286668355389
Data extracted on 28 Apr 2024 23:17 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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