Type of service
Hide subtree Services-745-711923-1 343
ServicesManufacturing services on inputs owned by others-353-54883-175
Maintenance and repair -243-220-266-314
Hide subtree Transportation-770477-902-887
TransportationSea transport593613-651126
Air transport69356687644
Space transport0000
Rail transport64134217344
Road transport-2 393-1 846-2 396-3 478
Inland waterway transport-34-123-29-133
Pipeline transport14172-16552
Electricity transmission234202156325
Other supporting and auxiliary transport services270467519321
Postal and courier services286602611411
Hide subtree Travel-8 798-5 879-7 078-8 892
TravelBusiness travel-1 158-965-687-455
Personal travel-7 639-4 914-6 391-8 436
Hide subtree Construction510-211219267
ConstructionConstruction abroad1 8451 1371 3401 697
Construction in Belgium-1 335-1 348-1 121-1 430
Hide subtree Insurance and pension services449568545670
Insurance and pension servicesDirect insurance1 0971 2331 5732 063
Reinsurance-765-840-1 115-1 392
Auxiliary insurance services8277-32-19
Pension and standardized guarantee services349911918
Hide subtree Financial services2 1751 9611 303681
Financial servicesExplicitly charged and other financial services-372-449-1 264-1 308
Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)2 5462 4102 5681 988
Charges for the use of intellectual property 423261655514
Hide subtree Telecommunications, computer and information services1 7451 3182 7922 536
Telecommunications, computer and information servicesTelecommunications services409655714654
Computer services1 3586292 1461 965
Information services-2134-67-83
Hide subtree Other business services1 749-6701 2141 763
Other business servicesResearch and development services423421195519
Hide subtree Professional and management consulting services1 569-1581 5662 000
Professional and management consulting servicesLegal, accounting, management consulting and public relations services3 1091 4542 5962 903
Advertising, market research and public opinion polling services-1 540-1 612-1 030-902
Hide subtree Technical, trade-related and other business services-243-932-546-756
Technical, trade-related and other business servicesArchitectural, engineering, scientific and other technical services-52-354-156-89
Waste treatment and de-pollution, agricultural and mining services-50-50-178-291
Operating leasing services-1-86-22-72
Trade-related services-26-2582699
Other business services not included elsewhere-113-184-216-403
Hide subtree Personal, cultural and recreational services281191201153
Personal, cultural and recreational servicesAudiovisual and related services11-71-85-113
Hide subtree Other personal, cultural and recreational services270262286267
Other personal, cultural and recreational servicesHealth services3342
Education services24596132
Heritage and recreational services63154881
Other personal services179185173151
Hide subtree Government goods and services not included elsewhere2 3162 2322 1142 288
Government goods and services not included elsewhereEmbassies and consulates162131143112
Military units and agencies165163165178
Other government goods and services1 9891 9381 8071 999
Services not allocated-229-1914152
Data extracted on 08 Jun 2024 04:57 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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